It’s a week later, and if my Twitter feed is any indication, I am very much not alone in my feelings of ennui at no longer being at Gally. There’s even a hashtag (#PostGallyBlues). I’ve seen a few good reviews of the weekend as a whole, though most of them seem to be, like my posts, recaps of personal experiences rather than analyses like I saw last year.
Since I’ve promised various people I would, then, I’ll keep my own “recap” to photos of my own forays into cosplay and my Saturday panel. We begin with Friday, and my femme!Three. Not as many people as I’d hoped recognized my costume for what it was, but those who did seemed appreciative. In return, I really appreciated seeing other cosplayers in costumes of related eras. When I saw someone dressed as the Brigadier, I had to ask for my photo with him. Then a Sarah Jane Smith (in her reporter guise) got in on the act.
Later, I saw someone dressed as SJS as she had been when sneaking into Irongron’s castle as a servant in her debut story The Time Warrior. Needless to say, we had a bit of fun fangirling at each other.