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It’s Gally Time!

Today I’m off to Los Angeles for my second Gallifrey One convention.

I remember last year seeing all the activity on the relevant Twitter hashtag (which is now #Gally1), with people invariably expressing their keen anticipation. I didn’t quite get it. I mean, I was excited, too, but as a n00b, I really didn’t quite know what to expect, and a great deal of my anticipation was mixed with plain ol’ nerves. I only knew one person. Was I going to be sad and alone most of the weekend? What would the panels be like? Would I actually have any fun?

Well, this time I’m right there with everyone else who’s returning, and doing my part to ease the minds of first-time attendees. It’s an incredibly friendly venue, and now I have scads of new never-met-in-person-before friends with whom to share the experience. And tonight: LobbyCon!

Bring. It. On.