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Tag: Classic Who

Brain-twisting Bonbon

Review of The Edge of Destruction (#3)

DVD Release Date: 24 Mar 09
Original Air Date: 08 – 15 Feb 1964
Doctors/Companions: One, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright
Stars: William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford, William Russell, Jacqueline Hill
Preceding Story: The Daleks (One, Susan, Ian, Barbara)
Succeeding Story: Marco Polo (One, Susan, Ian, Barbara)

The broadcast schedule for the current, new series has disrupted the timing for my usual monthly DVD reviews, but I decided not to let it replace my November edition of the Highs and Lows series entirely. That’s why there’s this bonus Saturday post!

Fortunately for me, the adventure that was already slated for this month is one of the shortest in Classic Who, so rewatching it was not a huge investment in time. Unfortunately, it was a decent investment in brainpower (of which I am in sadly short supply lately).

“The Edge of Destruction” (EoD) comes very very early in the history of the show, preceded only by the pilot adventure (“An Unearthly Child,” which includes the crew’s subsequent trip to “The Cave of Skulls”) and the Doctor’s first-ever encounter with the Daleks (in the eponymously titled story). Viewing it through a lens nearly sixty years of media evolution onwards, it feel surprisingly modern. Sure, it has all the trappings of ’60s Who, feeling more like a stage play than what we would recognize as television today, but it has an almost psycho-drama bent, and keeps the viewer on the back foot almost the whole way through.

Set entirely inside the TARDIS (we’ll ignore the obvious budgetary reasons for that, and pretend it’s just great storytelling), EoD begins with the Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara all getting thrown to the floor and knocked unconscious. As they slowly come to their senses, disoriented and barely recognizing each other, they quickly realize something is amiss. Just what that is—and who is to blame—is much less clear.

The rapid changes in circumstances and in what each person on the TARDIS thinks they know, about both the situation and each other, keeps the viewer almost as confused as the characters. And for someone who is used to a Doctor who cares deeply about their Companions and who is always the cleverest person in the room, the way this early incarnation handles the situation can be unexpected to the point of being off-putting.

But when one remembers that none of these people quite trust each other yet—in fact, the Doctor basically kidnapped Ian and Barbara to prevent them from exposing his secrets—it makes more sense. The Doctor was still getting used to humans (though at this point we were years away from the Doctor admitting he wasn’t one), the humans had just come off of a life-threatening situation they’d gotten into because the Doctor had deceived them for his own selfish ends, and the show as a whole was still finding its bearings.

I think EoD deserves its reputation as one of the “Highs”—it’s #30 on the trusty io9 list—because it really does provide an interestingly convoluted plot line. It may be both short and somewhat pedantic, as these early stories were wont to be (with some questionable science, by current standards), but it’s a snappy and dramatic little story that doesn’t drag on. This little bonbon twists your brain in all the best ways. Give it a go!

The Matrix Rewatched

Review of The Deadly Assassin (#88)

DVD Release Date: 01 Sep 09
Original Air Date: 20 Oct – 30 Nov 1976
Doctors/Companions: Four
Stars: Tom Baker
Preceding Story: The Hand of Fear (Four, Sarah Jane)
Succeeding Story: The Face of Evil (Four, Leela)

With the first episode of Series Thirteen less than a week away, it has occurred to me that the post timing for this Highs and Lows series will need to be adjusted. Although the series’s short run means December’s scheduled entry will not be affected, my review of Episode 4 now conflicts with the November Highs & Lows post. (New episode posts will also supersede two Confessions, but those are lower priority anyway, so I’m not concerned about those.)

Since that post was meant to go live right before the American Thanksgiving holiday, I’ll have to consider carefully how to adjust the posting schedule, but I’m sure something will work out. I can’t let one get lost in the shuffle!

For now, though, we get to revisit one of the Highs, ranked at #13 by Charlie Jane Anders on the io9 list I’ve been referencing for the past several years: The Deadly Assassin.

Delta’s Variant

Review of Delta and the Bannermen (#150)

DVD Release Date: 01 Sep 09
Original Air Date: 02 – 16 Nov 1987
Doctors/Companions: Seven, Melanie Bush
Stars: Sylvester McCoy, Bonnie Langford
Preceding Story: Paradise Towers (Seven, Mel)
Succeeding Story: Dragonfire (Seven, Mel, Ace)

Before I sat down to rewatch Delta and the Bannermen for this month’s Highs & Lows installment, I wrote down a short list of what I could remember about it. Aside from a general sense of distaste and the firm knowledge this was one at the Lows end of the scale, there wasn’t much. At the same time, those few notes were surprisingly accurate: try-out for Mel’s replacement; space bees?; Welsh(?) holiday lodgings; space bus.

I’ll admit that I only remembered about the Shangri-La holiday camp (which is not a term commonly used by Americans, at least not where I’m from) when I looked at the DVD cover, but it ended up being perhaps the biggest highlight for me. And though I knew Ray had been a potential new Companion, I’d utterly forgotten that she had that lovely, Welsh lilt (an accent I originally learned thanks to Torchwood).

Both of those details go in my personal “pros” column not least because I’ve been learning Welsh on Duolingo for the last several years (along with a few other languages). Thus, the addition of local color to the story by having a couple of the characters use a few sentences of Welsh with each other (one or two of which I could actually parse) was a particular bonus for me. Sadly, that wasn’t enough to save the overall story.

Time Well Spent

Review of The Time Monster (#64)

DVD Release Date: 06 Jul 10
Original Air Date: 20 May – 24 Jun 1972
Doctors/Companions: Three, Jo Grant
Stars: Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning
Preceding Story: The Mutants (Three, Jo)
Succeeding Story: The Three Doctors (Three, Jo, Two, One, the Brigadier)

The fascinating thing about doing a year full of Highs & Lows like this is that the experience highlights just how subjective such labels can be. This month’s entry is a case in point.

While the list I’ve been using from io9 compiled by Charlie Jane Anders ranks The Time Monster as #238 of 254 (leaving it ahead of only 6% of other stories), it is well known to Verity! podcast listeners that Lizbeth Myles ranks it as one of best stories of all time (or, at the very least, in her personal list of favorites). That leaves a wide range of opinion into which to fit my own assessment.

Predictably, I fall somewhere between the two extremes, though closer to Lizbeth’s end of the scale. Perhaps it’s because I’m already a fan of the Pertwee era, and Delgado’s Master in particular, that I didn’t find the “preponderance of fluff” (as Charlie Jane put it) so objectionable. Some of that fluff includes gems like the “time sensor” (which, when we see it face-on, is shaped… perhaps more suggestively than entirely appropriate for a family show) and a device the Doctor constructs out of household items in order to interfere with the Master’s time experiments, the latter of which is one of the few things that consistently stick in my mind about this story.

A Victim of Regeneration

Review of The Twin Dilemma (#137)

DVD Release Date: 05 Jan 10
Original Air Date: 22 – 30 Mar 1984
Doctors/Companions: Six, Perpugilliam Brown
Stars: Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant
Preceding Story: The Caves of Androzani (Five, Peri)
Succeeding Story: Attack of the Cybermen (Six, Peri)

We’ve rolled back around to a Low for this month’s entry in this year’s series of Highs and Lows, and it is definitely one you’ll see on a lot of fans’ s***-lists. Although the list I keep coming back to only ranks it at 222 of 254 (roughly at the bottom 1/8), list author Charlie Jane Anders mentions that it’s not really all that bad. I find I have to agree with her.

Note that I’m not saying it’s a good story, but it’s not as bad as I remembered. As I watched it again, I started to develop some hypotheses about why it has such a poor reputation in the fandom, and I think I’ve got some solid working ones.

Before I get into the details of that analysis, though, I want to talk about what I remembered about the story before I started my re-watch. It wasn’t a whole heck of a lot, to be honest. First and foremost, I remembered the closing line, because it so clearly breaks the fourth wall. Although nominally talking to Peri, the Doctor turns almost straight to camera and says, “I am the Doctor. Whether you like it or not.”

Set for Adventure

Review of Pyramids of Mars (#82)

DVD Release Date: 07 Sep 04
Original Air Date: 25 Oct – 15 Nov 1975
Doctors/Companions: Four, Sarah Jane Smith
Stars: Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen
Preceding Story: Planet of Evil (Four, Sarah Jane)
Succeeding Story: The Android Invasion (Four, Sarah Jane)

When I checked my calendar to see what adventure I was slated to review this month, I have to admit I was pleased to discover I was in for another High and not a Low this month. Although it’s somehow never made onto my personal list of favorites, Pyramids of Mars ranks #7 on the i09 master list I’ve been following, and it’s a far sight better than a lot of the other stories I’ve selected for 2021.

I suspect it’s primarily because Tom Baker has never been a particular favorite that Pyramids doesn’t really ping my radar (or even my Marconiscope, as Laurence Scarman calls his nascent radio telescope). It’s still relatively early in his tenure (meaning he’s not too over-the-top in his characterization yet) and includes Sarah Jane (among my preferred Companions), so it’s certainly on the positive end of the Fourth Doctor spectrum for me, and yet it still only tends to come to the forefront of my mind when I think about what Classic stories other fans recommend.

Slipping Subtly Onto a Soapbox

Review of Snakedance (#125)

DVD Release Date: 12 Apr 11
Original Air Date: 18 – 26 Jan 1983
Doctors/Companions: Five, Nyssa of Traken, Tegan Jovanka
Stars: Peter Davison, Sarah Sutton, Janet Fielding
Preceding Story: Arc of Infinity (Five, Nyssa, Tegan)
Succeeding Story: Mawdryn Undead (Five, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, the Brigadier)

I’m not sure if it’s because I didn’t grow up watching these stories, because I find the Fifth Doctor’s era nearly as beige as his costume, or because of something else, but I don’t really have a strong impression of many of the early-80s stories. So when I popped Snakedance into my machine to watch it again, I really didn’t know whether this month’s adventure was supposed to be a High or a Low.

Happily enough, it didn’t take much run-time for me to decide which end of the scale it occupied (it ranks #57 on io9’s list); I could relax into it and watch without keeping an eye on the clock the way I do with some of the Lows.

We discover early on that poor Tegan is not rid of the evil Mara that invaded her mind nearly a season beforehand (Kinda aired in February 1982). Instead, it is invading her dreams to begin to take control of her. Under its influence, she sets the TARDIS coordinates for Manussa, where the people are celebrating the banishment of the Mara some five hundred years ago. Almost no one believes in the prophecy of the Mara’s return, but thanks to Tegan and her serpentine mental parasite, prophetic events begin to unfold anyway.

Who in the Time of COVID

Review of Doctor Who and the Silurians (#52)

DVD Release Date: 03 Jun 08
Original Air Date: 31 Jan – 14 Mar 1970
Doctors/Companions: Three, Liz Shaw, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
Stars: Jon Pertwee, Caroline John, Nicholas Courtney
Preceding Story: Spearhead from Space (Three, Liz, the Brigadier)
Succeeding Story: The Ambassadors of Death (Three, Liz, the Brigadier)

Silurians have never been one of my favorite species. Although I came to Doctor Who through the new series, it was still before they made their return in The Hungry Earth. Thus this story, as for earlier generations of fans, was my introduction to the erstwhile dominant species on Earth.

When my main memory of this story was the questionable rubber monster suits, then, perhaps I can be excused for not knowing off the top of my head which side of the Highs and Lows this month’s entry was meant to fall on. I was pleased to find, when I checked the i09 reference rankings, that it comes in at #24, and settled in to be reminded of a good story I’d forgotten about.

Little did I know how viewing the story in 2021 would color my experience.

Slave to the Quarks

Review of The Dominators (#44)

DVD Release Date: 11 Jan 11
Original Air Date: 10 Aug – 07 Sep 1968
Doctors/Companions: Two, Jamie McCrimmon, Zoë Heriot
Stars: Patrick Troughton, Fraser Hines, Wendy Padbury
Preceding Story: The Wheel in Space (Two, Jamie, Zoë)
Succeeding Story: The Mind Robber (Two, Jamie, Zoë)

This month I am taking one for the team. I knew this was coming when I decided on this year’s “Highs and Lows” theme, but everything feels a bit different when I’m actually faced with viewing one of the Lows. At least I knew what I was getting into before I started.

Which is not to say that I remembered much of the plot of The Dominators before I began my rewatch. Mostly I remembered that the stumpy little robots called the Quarks were introduced here—reputedly with the ambition of becoming the next Daleks, a new robot to scare the kiddies and delight toy companies with sales. (Their obscurity fifty-odd years later is a testament to how well that went.)

Now that I have seen it again, I… primarily remember the Quarks.

Frankly, I think the root of the problem with this adventure is the same as the problem with the Quarks. The Quarks don’t work because unlike the Daleks, who serve as a fascist allegory, or the Cybermen, who sprang from body horror, they really serve no narrative purpose. They are mindless drones who do the bidding of the eponymous baddies, and unlike Daleks or Cybermen, could easily have been replaced with a simple weapon like some sort of laser borer.

Vacation in Paris

Review of City of Death (#105)
DVD Release Date: 08 Nov 05
Original Air Date: 29 Sep – 20 Oct 1979
Doctors/Companions: Four, Romana II
Stars: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward
Preceding Story: Destiny of the Daleks (Four, Romana II)
Succeeding Story: The Creature from the Pit (Four, Romana II)

When my husband walked past where I was watching City of Death and taking notes for this post, he stopped and said, “Haven’t you already reviewed this?” Even he, who doesn’t watch the show (though he’s seen some, now and again), knows that CoD is one of “the best” stories out there in the eyes of fandom at large.

In fact, the famous i09 article from which I take my rankings for classification purposes has listed CoD at #3 of 254, which is one of the reasons it qualified for the Highs & Lows theme this year. It may therefore seem a little strange that I haven’t ever reviewed it.

This very popularity is exactly the reason I’ve avoided it in the past. After all, what fan of Classic Doctor Who—or even of the modern era—hasn’t at least heard of City of Death, by name or otherwise? A single glance at the Doctor and Romana traipsing through Paris told not only my husband but my kids which story it was. (“Isn’t this the one with all the Mona Lisas?”) I’ve never needed to write a review to convince anyone it was worth watching.

But now that it’s come around on the guitar, so to speak, I’m happy to take my turn. Besides, some readers may still be wondering what all the fuss is about. For example, if you’re one of those fans still just dipping a toe into Classic Who, you may be put off by all the hype about this story (like Deb from Verity! initially was) or simply not be enamored of this particular Doctor, who’s “all teeth and curls” (like me). If you find yourself in one of those camps, then hopefully some of the things I outline below will convince you that City of Death is worth your time.

First let me address the issue of Tom Baker’s Doctor. For viewers who find the Fourth Doctor to be too over-the-top goofy, too frenetic, too slapstick, I have good news: this is one of his more restrained performances. Here Baker manages to retain the comedic timing and dry wit that make him so beloved without taking his performance into pantomime territory.

Further, the script—famously pseudonymously co-written by script editor Douglas Adams—is delightful. The following exchange, one of my favorites, is but one example:

“Can I ask you where you got these?”
“Or how you knew they were here?”
“They’ve been bricked up a long time.”
“I like concise answers.”

The storyline is just crazy enough—timey wimey hijinks with inhuman motives—to be fun without being off-putting, the dialog is sharp and witty, the characters (like Duggan!) are unforgettable, and they even wedge in a cameo by well-known comedians John Cleese and Eleanor Bron.

Julian Glover, who had previously appeared as King Richard the Lionheart in the First Doctor adventure The Crusade, chews up the scenery as Count Scarlioni, giving one of my favorite guest performances of all time. (And I can’t help but wonder if someone on the production team took a bet on how many times they could get the word “Count” into the script, given how often the character is addressed by his title…)

Basically, City of Death is the epitome of a Doctor Who “romp.” It’s lighthearted, with stakes that are high without ever feeling oppressive, and while it never takes itself too seriously, nor does it fall off the other end of that scale (like, ahem, the following adventure). In short, it’s perfect escapist viewing for tense times, its own little vacation in Paris.