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Fandom Feels the Love

As we inch ever closer to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who in November, more and more little nods to this cultural icon and its fans are cropping up. One of my new favorite such instances is the wonderful fan-written ode to the show titled Celebrate Regenerate.

This 300-page book is a multi-part love letter to the entire run of Doctor Who, written by a wide range of fans at the behest of editor Lewis Christian. The idea began in mid-2012, when Christian began soliciting submissions in a thread on the Gallifrey Base forum. Before he knew it, he was getting retweets from the editor of Doctor Who Magazine, writers, actors, and others closely associated with the show. Pieces began pouring in, until he hardly knew what to do with them all.

Nearly a year later, there are articles covering every televised story from An Unearthly Child through The Name of the Doctor; artwork of five decades of Doctors, Companions, and foes (including the cover seen here, by Alejandra Ramírez Giraldo); and special features from interviews to speculative theories to an overview of where else the show has gone, off-screen.

One of the most unique and wonderful attributes of the book is that since contributors could choose which episodes they wanted to discuss, every single article (including three by me) is written from the perspective of someone who loves the story in question. So that one that everyone loves to hate? Guess what—someone else thinks it's the bees knees! Or your guilty pleasure? You're not alone!

Find the relevant page for any one story that you don't care for, and read what the other fans have written. I challenge you to come away without at least once nodding and saying, "well, okay, they've got a point there." And fans are not fools; someone reviewing an oft-reviled tale will acknowledge its flaws while making a persuasive argument that it's actually pretty awesome in its way even so. It is this attitude on every page that makes the collection exactly what it says on the cover: a celebration.

If I've piqued your interest (and hopefully I have), you can get your own copy of Celebrate, Regenerate either as a free PDF download or in paper (at cost, via Lulu) through the official website. It's out today!