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Confession #133: I Lost Track of Time

Funny thing about being in self-isolation under a stay-at-home order from one’s state during a global pandemic: all the days kind of blend together.

That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway. Because otherwise I get really irritated with myself for having lost track of my blog schedule, and the fact that I should’ve posted last week. So here I am, checking in with anyone who still stops by the blog to read.

I was going to say that I have not been thinking about Doctor Who much at all, but as I began to write that, I realized that’s not quite true. The brand management team has been doing a good job keeping it on the radar across social media, and I’ve really appreciated that. Because sometimes we all just need a few encouraging words from the Doctor.

Here’s the first transmission, from 25 Mar 2020:

The second, dated 08 Apr 2020:


Then from 09 Apr 2020:


There have also been some watch-along sessions, where at a certain time everyone can watch a given episode and folks associated with the production will live tweet it. The one that really hit my radar, though I didn’t participate in the watch-along, was The Doctor’s Wife. Not only did writer Neil Gaiman tweet his observations, but he wrote a special introductory sketch that was then recorded by Arthur “Rory Williams” Darvill. It’s available on YouTube here:

Closer to home, my daughters’ birthday rolled around again since I last posted. Sometimes I feel a little ridiculous for planning things so far in advance. But this year, it turns out to have worked to my advantage, and I had a couple of happy kiddos. So let me finish by sharing a little of that delight with you. I give you: Jodie Bear.