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Confession #31: I’m Not Into the Wholidays

This time of year, I see lots of Twitter posts about how excited my tweeps are for the Doctor Who Christmas special. Many of them (who clearly do celebrate Christmas otherwise) say they’re not really that psyched up for Christmas except for the fact that there’s new Who on the horizon. I’m just not there.

For a start, none of the Christmas specials from 2005 through 2011 (which include, in order: The Christmas Invasion; The Runaway Bride; Voyage of the Damned; The Next Doctor; The End of Time, Pt 1 (not exactly a “Christmas special,” but it was broadcast on Christmas 2009); A Christmas Carol; and The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe) do much for me. Each of them has certain things to recommend it, but in the grand scheme of things, they’re nowhere near the top of my list of favorites, even if I limit that list to post-Hiatus episodes. There always seems to be some sort of fatal flaw that just keeps me from loving any of them, and I’m not quite sure why. Perhaps it’s because they’re all meant to be what is stereotypically deemed a “romp,” or that they’re just meant to be little light, fluffy bon bons of stories. Whatever the case, I’ve never remained excited about any of them for more than a week or so.

And this year doesn’t look to be any different. The prequel bits for The Snowmen (no, I won’t say anything about what’s in them this time) haven’t grabbed me. I’ve avoided as much hype and spoilers as possible, though I’ve already seen posts about how there will be a new this-or-that all over the place. I’ve even avoided the Adventure Calendar this year. But just the officially released content – trailers or prequels – tell me enough to know that I can expect more of the same. Some folks are all pumped up and in countdown mode for the “Wholidays”; I just can’t summon the energy.

I think the biggest factor in my lack of enthusiasm, though, is that having been raised in a rather devout (yet theologically somewhat liberal) household, Christmas itself means a lot to me. Not in the religious sense, as my beliefs and spiritual practices have evolved substantially in the last 25 years or so, but at a deeper gut level. I’ve seen that especially this year, mostly in interactions with my six-year-old daughters, as they learn and add to family traditions surrounding the holiday. I saw how much Christmas means to me when I shared the story of Jesus’ birth with them for the first time and got unexpectedly emotional at various points. I saw it when we got out an old hymnal to teach them some of my favorite carols and they insisted on singing some of them at bedtime every night since. I saw it when one of them pestered me about getting out the makeshift Advent wreath I’d concocted from IKEA candle holders and Hallmark taper candles two years ago, because it’s now a “Christmas tradition” to her. And I saw it the first time I walked past this year’s Christmas tree, all lit up with little white lights in the darkened room and felt my heart leap with a sense of undefinable joy.

I recognize that not everyone celebrates Christmas, and that even those who do have vastly different experiences of the holiday. All I’m saying is that a Doctor Who special simply isn’t an integral part of it for me. I’ll admit it’s a nice little stocking stuffer to top off the festivities, but as far as I’m concerned, neither the holiday nor the franchise would be injured by its absence. Nevertheless, an extra bon bon is never something to turn down at this time of year.

So from me to you, all my readers, I wish you Happy (Christmas / Hanukkah / Kwanzaa / Solstice / winter festival of your choice)! However you celebrate life and light in this dark time of the year, I hope you enjoy some Who and some time with family and friends.


  1. John Beckwith

    If You’re an Aethist, Then Churches Need More Athiests 🙂
    For a mom who occasionally hints that she herself is more of an atheist than a card-carrying officially religious Christian, your respect for Christmas and the manner in which you’ve already been passing on traditions to your children is really reverent. Good work!

    As for Dr. Who, no need to apologize to your blog’s audience for not getting into the spirit of the annual Christmas episode. I figure if you run an entire blog here with detailed entries regarding umpteen episode reviews and thoughtful impressions, then your love for the show is definitely genuine. If there’s a Who Heaven, I’m pretty sure you’ll get into it without getting carded. 🙂

    • mrfranklin

      Not Actually an Atheist
      I’m not really a Christian like I was in my youth, but nor am I an atheist. 🙂 These days I call myself a Unitarian Universalist, and my children are the reason I got back to a religious community. Glad someone approves of my parenting. 😉

      And I’ll take that recommendation with me to the gates of Who Heaven. It certainly can’t hurt!

  2. Wholahoop

    Quite Right Too
    The thing I think you are showing is a sense of perspective.
    How refreshing
    Eventually I hope all Who fans will have this view

    Yet I am not sure that this will turn out to be the case
    Even if it does
    Time will tell
    If it is to be a lasting position

    Alternatively, some might not care about how the muggles, for want of a better word,
    react to obsessive Who fans
    even if they do empathise

    However, it may need further expostulation
    Eras come and go
    Rassilon may be the greatest
    Ecclestone Rocks

    • Wholahoop

      Seriously Though
      I think you have a healthy balanced view, so enjoy your holidays and if a bit of Whovian fun is a part of that, and you enjoy it, well why not?

      Also if I read what you have said correctly, I have to agree that the Christmas specials haven’t actually tended to be that special, although I have a fondness for The Christmas Invasion. I may be reading more into what you wrote than you intended though 🙂

      • mrfranklin

        About right
        That’s pretty much what I meant, yeah. 🙂 And yes, Christmas Invasion is the best of the bunch, IMO.

    • mrfranklin

      Spelled Out
      Well, Moffat didn’t spell it out quite the way you did, but it was pretty heavy-handed nonetheless. 🙂 Even so, I imagine other neowhovians who haven’t familiarized themselves with pre-Hiatus Who probably won’t cotton on.

  3. Tree

    Separation of Who and Christmas
    I’d have to agree about the Christmas specials. I loved the one introducing Tennant, just because it was a show about the new Doctor, one I really liked. I also rather liked “A Christmas Carol,” if I were to rate which ones I liked. None of the specials is really Christmassy, to be honest – including most recently, “The Snowmen.”

    I don’t think I equate the show with Christmas, to be honest. It’s sort of like a fun activity that I engage in – watching it- when Christmas is nearly over. The stories haven’t been overly exciting or anything. I guess I thought “A Christmas Carol” was a bit closer to the holiday than any of the other ones.

    I believe in a mixture of things. Raised a Roman Catholic, I take parts of that and parts of my new belief system, and ultimately, believe in a higher being and destiny. Some things are destined to happen, no matter what. Everything in a person’s life has meaning, and amazing connections can be found in even the smallest (in terms of what we think) details.

    As an historian, I’d like to see the Doctor in more historicals, even on Christmas. What wonderful stories there could be, set in the Middle Ages, involving the Church, or other times in history concerning Christmas! Even Victorian England, when Queen Victoria and Prince Albert started the tradition of Christmas trees, as Prince Albert was from Germany, where Christmas trees originated. The Doctor could have a lot of Christmas adventures.

  4. mrfranklin

    Actually A Good Thing
    To my mind, it’s probably a good thing that the annual special isn’t more directly Christmas related. After all, it’s not just Christians (and others who choose to celebrate the holiday in their own way) who like Doctor Who. 🙂 I’m glad the latest special felt more like just another episode set during the winter than a “Christmas” episode. It felt right that way.

    But more on that on the 2nd. 🙂

    • Tree

      Who and Christmas
      I agree that it’s fine it’s not so “Christmassy.” However, it’s strange it’s always referred to as a “Christmas” special, as though it will be about the holiday – and they do put a tiny bit of the holiday into it.

      I don’t mind, as I agree there are others besides Christians who enjoy the show, but wouldn’t mind it if it was about Christmas once in a while – simply because England is a historically Christian nation, and it would be all right if they did a truly Christmas special. I am equally open to shows about other holidays of the season.

      • mrfranklin

        Point Taken
        Yes, it would fit historically. 🙂 I always figured it was the “Christmas Special” because that’s when it went out. Probably the bit about the UK comprising a vast number of Christians (or at least people who celebrate Christmas) explains why it’s woven into the specials, too.

        But it’s probably best if the show continues to keep it primarily peripheral, whichever holiday is concerned.

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