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The Neowhovian Experience

I am extremely pleased to announce the launch of The Neowhovian Experience 2011, the official compilation of the blog – now available as an ebook on Kindle from Amazon!

Along with all the posts from 2011 – Confessions, Nu-Views, and Reviews of both new episodes and DVDs – it includes my reviews of the Doctors' respective eras (from my marathon viewing) and three brand new reviews exclusive to the book (Victory of the Daleks from Series Five and the January 2011 DVD releases, The Dominators and Meglos). There will eventually be a print version (as well as other ebook versions) available, too, just cuz.

The price for all this is just $1.99. Given the size of the download, that's the lowest price Amazon will let me charge. Why buy it when you can get (most of) it online for free? Well, maybe you want to have it on your Kindle when you don't have Internet access. Maybe you want to be able to go to the table of contents and find everything more easily. Maybe you don't have time to read the blog posts as they come up, and you want to be able to read them whenever. Maybe you just want to show your support for me and what I do here. Or – oh yeah – maybe it's those exclusive extras. Whatever your reason, two bucks isn't a whole lot to invest. I hope you'll consider it.