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Gallifrey, Ho!

I've made a decision, and committed to the Plan: I'm headed to Gallifrey One 2012 in February! It will be my first ever Doctor Who convention (or, umm… any convention, for that matter).

If you like what I've been doing here and would like to live vicariously through me as I blog about my Con experiences – including, hopefully, meeting some of the Names who will be there (like Paul McGann, the Eighth Doctor himself) – please consider showing your support by contributing to cover my expenses. To the right, you should see a Send me to the Con! button. Clicking that will take you to a page where you can choose any amount you'd like to give (it will go into the Neowhovian PayPal account, but you don't need your own PayPal account; credit cards also work).

Once I've reached my goal (a relatively modest $500), I'll remove the button and stop taking contributions. There's no need to be overly greedy, after all. In the meantime, I'll keep writing the reviews you've come to expect, which you will hopefully continue to find entertaining and/or insightful.

Thanks for reading the blog!