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Tag: Series 2

Nu-View #21: Disgust & Side-Eyes

Love & Monsters (Series Two, Ep. 10; 2006)
Viewed 15 Jan 2018

Doctor/Companion: Ten, Rose Tyler
Stars: David Tennant, Billie Piper
Preceding Story: The Satan Pit (Ten, Rose)
Succeeding Story: Fear Her (Ten, Rose)

It’s been some three-and-a-half years since I last did one of these. Aligning four adults’ schedules often enough to keep up on new episodes with the Ladies—let alone review old ones—has proven a serious challenge. We are, in fact, still in the middle of Series Ten. I’m hopeful we’ll get caught up with the Christmas episode by midsummer.

When Verity! podcast released their Love & Monsters commentary a couple weeks ago, though, I knew it was time to relaunch a new version of the NuViews. It felt like Fate, because my 11-year-old twin daughters’ introduction to the modern show had paused right at that exact episode. If I could convince them to watch with me again, I could both get them back in the proverbial saddle and share their unique perspective with my readers.

The girls were game, and so we sat down (not without trepidation on my part) to watch Elton’s vlog about his encounters with the Doctor. I realized immediately that this would be a different kind of experience than watching with the Ladies. To start, H & V are still quite new to Who; they don’t have a whole lot of context upon which to draw for comparison. For another, they are for the most part still simply absorbed in the story; any comments they make tend to be direct gut reactions rather than the snarky comments of jaded adults. It’s refreshing, even if it means there are fewer mid-episode impressions to report.

Since it had been years since I’d seen the episode myself, it was almost as interesting to gauge my own reactions as to see the girls’. For instance, I got something of a Torchwood vibe from the pre-credits sequence (interesting in retrospect, since this is the series that led up to the whole Torchwood storyline).

Nu-View #20: Brave New Worlds

New Earth / Tooth and Claw (Series Two, Eps. 1-2; 2006)
Viewed 05 Aug 2014

Doctor/Companion: Ten, Rose Tyler
Stars: David Tennant, Billie Piper
Preceding Story: The Christmas Invasion (Ten, Rose)
Succeeding Story: School Reunion (Ten, Rose, Sarah Jane Smith)

Our latest WhoFest was meant to be the first in my new home. The depressing fact that it wasn’t (and that our move is rapidly receding into the realm of myth) was somewhat alleviated by jO’s return to the fold after an extended absence.

The early, jaunty Ten had been similarly absent from all of our Who viewing in recent years. “Look how young he looks!” exclaims jO. “When was this?”

I remind the Ladies that Series Two went out in 2006, and jE summarizes our common reaction perfectly: “We’re getting old.”

Old we may be, but at least we’re not hanging onto our youth in sheer desperation like Cassandra. And she’s a crafty one, redirecting Rose to her lair for her own nefarious purposes. “[Rose] knows she’s not on Ward 26,” observes jE. “Why doesn’t she just get right back in the lift?” It’s one of several plotting flaws we notice this evening.

I found it interesting to realize how I always think of this story as having a lot of Zoë Wanamaker (Cassandra) in it, when she actually only plays the character for a few minutes. With all the body-swapping, even Sean Gallagher (Chip) spent nearly as much time as Cassandra as Wanamaker did. And, by the way, kudos to Gallagher; Chip was a physically awkward character to play, especially running through corridors with his arms straight down at his sides.

Nu-View #19: Enter Number Ten

The Christmas Invasion (Series Two, Ep. 0; 2005)
Viewed 08 Jul 2014

Doctor/Companion: Ten, Rose Tyler
Stars: David Tennant, Billie Piper
Preceding Story: The Parting of the Ways (Nine, Rose)
Succeeding Story: New Earth (Ten, Rose)

As the Ladies gather one last time at the current Chez Neowhovian, the impending move to a new house is top on everyone’s mind. Next time we get together (hopefully jO will finally be able to join us again; it’s been too long!), we’ll be at a completely new place.

We barely even mention in passing that we’ve tried before to watch this episode (though there’s a little muttering about it as Mickey shushes his coworkers to listen more carefully to the TARDIS materializing). The next thing we know, Jackie’s delivering the classic joke line (“Doctor who?”) and the opening credits crash across the screen.

Poor Mickey is still getting the short end of the stick. “Can you just let it be Christmas?” he begs Rose. “Not so much,” jE answers for her. On screen, Rose herself is trying a little harder, nodding acquiescence.

“You promise?”

“Yeah,” she assures him.

“Well, yeah, until the life or death stuff,” amends jE. “Then I’ll renege on my promise.” And so it goes.

Confession #43: I Love/Hate the Ten/Rose Ship

There’s one thing that can divide a fandom faster than the Vashta Nerada can skeletonize a human: shipping. And the Dallas Cowboys (or Man U) of Who fandom ships—the one you either love or love to hate—is the Tenth Doctor and Rose. Let me break down the two camps, in terms of very broad generalizations (we’re talking horoscope broad, so obviously, YMMV).

On the one side, you have hardcore Ten/Rose shippers. They see Ten and Rose as an OTP (or “one true pairing”)—the ultimate ship that cannot be sunk, no matter what else is written before, after, for, or about the couple. As far as I can tell, some of these shippers go so far as to deny that any story that doesn’t involve Ten and Rose is innately inferior, and thereby beneath their notice, or at least a questionable use of their time.

On the other, you have Ten/Rose shipper-haters. These fans actively hate the Ten/Rose ship, and in many cases even extend that distaste to fans who do ship it. Further, a fair number of these anti-shippers believe that the Doctor does not (or should not) ever be in a romantic relationship of any sort. A non-negligible subset of these fans seem to think very little of the post-Hiatus show is worth their time.

And here I sit in the middle.