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Tag: Gally 2023

Gallifrey One 33⅓: Long Live the Revolution — Day Three

Despite the frenzy of the lines for Jodie, this was probably the most all-around low-key Gally I’ve ever had. Never before have I had so much time completely unscheduled from con events.

For example, this year’s final day was the latest Sunday start for me ever. Since we’d scored seats for Jodie’s Saturday interview panel, I made no plans to go see her again on Sunday morning, even though (I’m told) there was still plenty of room to do so. I didn’t think there would be enough different about the panel to make it worth my while (though they did have Janet Fielding and Sophie Aldred on stage with her at the end, which I might’ve enjoyed).

Instead, Kiddo and I met up with some of our friends to peruse the Art Show and wander the Dealers Room again. It was all incredibly casual. The first thing I had scheduled in any way was a brief meet-up with a friend while Kiddo and I ate food-truck lunch on the patio.

This leisurely pace continued until 2:00—absolutely unheard of for me—when our little gang convened in Program A (in the center section, only about seven rows from the front!) for the live commentary on “The Halloween Apocalypse.” Moderator Adrienne Enderle was joined on the couch by Chris Chibnall, director Jamie Magnus Stone, and actor Craige Els, who played Karvanista. I was extremely grateful that the episode was run with captions (in part because that’s how I always watch TV these days), because it made it much easier to follow both the episode and the commentary. Good banter, good details, good fun.

Gallifrey One 33⅓: Long Live the Revolution — Day Two

It has become almost a tradition at Gally for me to spend the majority of the day on Sunday camped out in Program A. This year, weirdly, that was my Saturday instead.

We had a nice slow start to the day, chilling in the Lobby for nearly four hours before programming began. Then we met up with our friends to get into the Diamond Pass line for photos with Jodie. (I have learned that for a popular guest, the lines will be ridiculous, and unless I’m willing to wait interminable hours, a TARDIS Tag (which goes for an insanely large amount of money) or a Diamond Pass (still large, but not as insanely so, amount of money) is really a necessity.) Even so, the scrum in the hallway was both large and confused. It eventually got sorted, though, and the process was relatively smooth. We got out the other end in decent time with photos we actually like.

Our first dip into Program A for the day came as we recovered from the photo op experience, sitting at the very back of the room for the end of “The Second Doctor Era” and beginning of “The Third Doctor Era” Big Finish panels. Mostly that involved Frazer Hines being very Frazer, Katy Manning being very Katy, and Jon Culshaw demonstrating what an incredible impression of the Brigadier he does.

Gallifrey One 33⅓: Long Live the Revolution — Day One

It’s here again! The most wonderful time of the year, Gallifrey One, is back in swing. This year one of my daughters has come along, which is lending an extra special something to the experience.

We arrived Wednesday evening and crashed early. Thursday morning we slept in a lot (for us), and got up early (for the time zone). The Lobby was still filled with a slight majority of non-Gally folx, but as the morning wore on, there were more of us here.

It was a nice, slow, ramping-up day. The rest of my close Gally friends arrived (some with significant others who are now my new acquaintances), we got our badges (and Diamond Passes! I’ve learned the hard way that I don’t want to wait in a line as long as I’d have to without those), went to dinner at my traditional Thursday-night place (Aliki’s Greek Taverna is fabulous; both the food and the service are top-notch, in my book), and attended the ice cream social (I got a new folding fan!).

Friday morning rolled around, and Kiddo and I were up (local) early again. Bonnie Langford went through Starbucks as we were finishing our own coffee, which set a Gally tone for the day. She was also the first one we saw in the Dealers Room for autographs. We managed to get Bonnie, Katy Manning, and Sophie Aldred all checked off our list early in the day, and wander the Dealers Room for a casual Friday morning.

Confession #159: I Am Excite

It’s been a heckuva week! First, and relevant to the usual content here, Gallifrey One announced last Friday that their headline guest for the 2023 convention would be none other than Jodie Whittaker herself!

That’s quite the feather in Gally’s cap! Not only will it be Whittaker’s first-ever dedicated Doctor Who convention (we’re going to set her standards high), but it’s amazingly fast turn-around between final on-screen appearance and first convention appearance—less than four months! She’s also only the second modern-era Doctor to appear at Gally.

I had thought three years ago that I was getting spoiled by Gallifrey One’s excellent connections in the Doctor Who scene when they brought Christopher Eccleston to LA. (And, indeed, I was.) He had been notoriously hesitant to take part in the convention circuit at all, so when Gally brought not only its first modern-era Doctor, but a somewhat reluctant one at that, I didn’t think that feat could be topped.

But here we are.