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Tag: Gallifrey One

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Once more, the year has turned to that most blissful of times: Gallifrey One!

Every year since the blog started (with the exception of that first one, when it was only a few weeks old), I’ve made the pilgrimage to Los Angeles over Presidents Day weekend to rub elbows with Doctor Who creators and just generally have fun with some three thousand other fans, who become my closest friends over those three-plus days (and some of them, beyond!)

This year is no exception. The con runs from this Friday (15 Feb 2019) through Sunday (17 Feb), with a “pre-con” social scheduled for Thursday night, though many attendees extend their stays for extra days before or after those dates. I’ll be among those, giving myself just a smidge of extra time to adjust to the time zone change before things get into full swing.

Each iteration of Gally is unique, awesome in its own particular way. Offerings depend on which guests are present, what’s been going on in the show recently, and obviously which fans are in each panel to share their opinions. For 2019 (“Gallifrey One: 30 Years in the TARDIS”), headliners are Colin Baker (the Sixth Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), and John Barrowman (Capt. Jack Harkness). Pearl Mackie (Bill Potts) had also been slated to appear, but had to cancel a couple of weeks out due to a new work obligation—sad for us, but great for her!

Gallifrey One: The 29 Voyages of Gallifrey One – Day Three

I always get surprised by how fast Gally is over on Sunday. Objectively, it’s a shorter day, ending after Closing Ceremonies around 7pm instead of programming running into late night hours. But even knowing that and that LobbyCon will still be in full swing into the wee hours like every other night, I can never quite believe it’s time to say goodbye to my friends for another year.

The day started off great, though, as I finally had the chance to spend time with my local friends. We had a lovely time together, and they got me back in plenty of time to go grab my badge and such and head down to the con floor.

Aside from snagging my last couple of autographs, my first event was a panel called Stories from the American Trenches [Panel: Ken Deep, Jan Fennick, Steven Warren Hill, Jennifer Adams Kelley, Shaun Lyon, Robert Warnock]. It covered both the production and contents of the book Red White and Who: The Story of Doctor Who in America. The main goal of the work is (I would say) to collect, clarify, and preserve stories and facts about fandom in the US, from the beginning until 2017. The result is a 700-page tome filled with treasures.

Although when specific experiences were discussed, they were pretty much those of the panelists and thus primarily from the perspective of those who came to the show as children in the Classic era, there is more in the book. I found myself having an odd reaction to the conversation, and realizing I fit in a really weird in-between space. I am of an age with those panelists, and have an innate cultural understanding of things like the public television pledge drives that were such a big part of American fandom in the 1980s—but my own fandom is only ten years old. That made for something of a surreal panel.

Gallifrey One: The 29 Voyages of Gallifrey One – Day Two

For a day spent primarily sitting in one room, my Saturday at Gally was really tiring.

It started in Program A with the live commentary on Twice Upon a Time, the most recent Christmas special and Capaldi’s final episode. The guests were Stephen Moffat (showrunner/writer), David Bradley (First Doctor), and Brian Minchin (executive producer). It’s always as fascinating to hear the kind of personality each guest presents as the behind-the-scenes tidbits. Moffat is certainly funny and personable, though his opinions also shine through (which can be good or bad, depending on to what degree one agrees with them).

One of the highlights for me, though, was the roaring cheer that encompassed the room when Jodie Whittaker appeared on screen. There’s been a lot of love for her here this year (so much cosplay!), and it’s been wonderful to see. I can hardly wait for next year, when we’ve had some actual episodes upon which the cosplayers can build their ideas.

Speaking of cosplay, Saturday was the day for my costume. I finally put together my Seventh Doctor costume, complete with big, flowy pants; a nice, soft cardigan; custom brogues; and a hatband ribbon on the end of my hair fork. It got me noticed by Andrew Cartmel (script editor from the McCoy era) on my way through the Dealers Room. (The man’s got a good sales game; I bought his book, even though I wasn’t in the market.)

Gallifrey One: The 29 Voyages of Gallifrey One – Day One

It’s feels really strange to be posting my first update when the con is effectively half over already, and yet here we are. Though Gally “officially” opens on Friday morning, there’s an organized event on Thursday evening (the ice cream social and dance), and LobbyCon begins well before that.

As I understand it, the term LobbyCon began as a description for the pre-con socializing in the lobby on the Thursday night before Gally. Over the years, though, as people arrive earlier and earlier (some folks get in on Monday or even Sunday), LobbyCon has expanded to fill the available space. There was already plenty of LobbyCon’ing happening on Wednesday night (my first night this year), and I imagine there was even some on at least Tuesday.

As for ribbon trading, that began in earnest this year in the early afternoon on Thursday, an hour or two before registration even opened for folks to pick up their badges. I didn’t bother to attach them all to my badge that night, starting fresh on Friday, and I literally have a stack of ribbons 2-3 inches thick waiting for attention. The ribbon game is still strong.

However, I think I can safely say this year that a trend I had started to notice in the last couple years is now a full-blown Thing: ribbons aren’t the only tradables changing hands. Aside from my friend’s fabulous and ever-popular commemorative coins, people are making their own knitted ribbon/badge bling, tiny bowties, or buttons. So. Many. Buttons.

Bon Voyage: It’s Gally Time!

This morning I’m off at a ridiculous time of day (at “the sparrow’s fart,” as some Brits and Aussies might say) to haul my carcass across the continent to Los Angeles for my annual pilgrimage to Gallifrey One. Every year, though there are obviously common elements, the con is its own unique experience. For me, at least, every single one (this will be my seventh!) has been wonderful.

I haven’t been to a whole lot of cons—there’ve been three, maybe four different venues I’ve attended since my first-ever con at Gally 2012—so I don’t have an extensive base from which to draw comparison. But there’s something special about Gally that I’ve not yet found anywhere else. It has an energy about it, a warmly friendly, familial atmosphere that makes one—makes me—feel instantly at home.

Aside from seeing all my many friends (which is, let’s be real, the most important part of Gally for me now, and has been since my second, or possibly third, year), there are several things I’m especially looking forward to this year:

Gallifrey One: 28 Years Later – Day Three

Sundays at Gally always have their own peculiar flavor. There is still a lot to do and see, but the specter of the end of the con hangs over everything, too. At the beginning of the day, though, it’s relatively easy to pretend there’s another two days of the con to go.

This year I spent most of my day in Program D at the discussion panels rather than in Program A at the main stage big events and interview panels as I have often done. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the day I wanted to be in both places at once. Program A held a live commentary screening of The Waters of Mars with actual NASA scientists giving the commentary. I know I would have loved it, and been nodding along (perhaps even noticing some of the same things as they were said), and both the tweets I read and personal accounts I heard indicated it was a hoot.

Instead, though, I chose to go to the panel about diversity in Doctor Who. It’s unfortunate that programming came down to a single panel encompassing every type of human diversity in a mere fifty minutes (that’s hardly enough to talk about any one, let alone all of them), but it was still good to have the conversation. Interestingly, the only time casting a new Doctor came up was at the end, when it was noted that it felt like this had been the only panel of the weekend that hadn’t discussed it.

Gallifrey One: 28 Years Later – Day Two

Saturday is traditionally the biggest day of the con, as a day that local fans don’t have to take off work in order to attend, and kids are out of school. The halls are thus especially crowded with fans of all sizes in costumes that run the gamut complexity. For most of the day, I was among them reprising my TARDIS dress (at my daughters’ insistence—”It matches your hair!”).

Once again the first hours of the day were spent hanging out in the Lobby until the first panel at 10. Then it was time to listen to a thoughtful conversation on “Changing Critical Perspectives,” about how both received fan wisdom and the process of criticism itself has evolved over the lifetime of the show. Paul Cornell, who moderated, apparently had tried to participate in this panel last year, but said panel drifted so far off course he felt he needed a do-over. I’m glad he did, because I really enjoyed the conversation.

After slipping away to get one last autograph, I returned to the same room for a panel about shows that had ended precipitously on a cliffhanger. There were plenty of passionate fans with opinions in the room, so although it wasn’t my cup of tea, I’d still call it a successful panel.

A little more aimless wandering brought me eventually to the Catrin Stewart interview on the main stage. It’s always fun hearing from actors I’ve never seen at a con before, and Catrin continued the trend of being absolutely lovely. I particularly enjoyed her stories about having to have the innuendo in her first appearance explained to her, and the discussion of how Jenny and Vastra’s relationship has been received.

Gallifrey One: 28 Years Later – Day One

It’s Gally time again, and the con has officially been in full swing since Thursday night. Unofficially, though, there have been folks around since at least Monday. I arrived Wednesday afternoon, but only made my way over to the Marriott Lobby (I’m staying elsewhere this year) on Thursday morning. Every year, it seems, things ramp up earlier and earlier as folks make the most of opportunities to play tourist while in town.

On Friday, the non-con story of the day was rain. The local news seemed to be making it out to be fairly apocalyptic—and to be fair, in some parts of the region there have been several inches since the storm broke—but near LAX, and for a Midwesterner, the rain seemed steady but light. I was fortunate enough to make it to the Marriott before the rain started, and I was extremely glad not to be out in it once the wind picked up.

I thus spent a couple of hours in the Lobby chatting with random folks until the con’s opening salvo: the Radio Free Skaro live episode. I sat through the first two sections (interviews with Paul McGann and with Philip Hinchcliffe and Roger Murray-Leach, respectively) before making a couple of passes around the Dealers’ Room to ogle swag and grab some autographs.

Gallifrey One – Station 27: Day Three

It’s interesting how unique a character each of the three days of Gally has, and how consistent those characters are from year to year. For me, at least, Friday is fairly giddy, with a “pinch me; I can’t believe how much awesome there is, and it’s only just starting!” vibe. Saturday is the super busy con-in-full-swing day that never seems to slow down. Then there’s Sunday, which always suffers a vague pall of sadness somewhere in that mental space between denial and acceptance as everyone tries to squeeze all possible awesomeness out of the last of our time together.

As the day marches inexorably toward Closing Ceremonies, the harsh reality of another ending becomes ever more undeniable and friends cling together or seek each other out, having somehow missed each other the rest of the weekend. So as I sit in the unusually empty lobby on Monday morning, I look back on Day Three with a combination of melancholy and gratitude for more great experiences.

My Sunday on the con floor started in the audience of an interview panel with Sir John Hurt. There were several memorable moments, including his answer to an audience question about whether he’d ever, shall we say, taken anything home from the set that he wasn’t strictly supposed to take. He said that after the first Harry Potter movie (in which he played Olivander the wand maker from Diagon Alley), he brought home four wands for his two sons and a couple of nephews. Then he told us that people sometimes bring their wands in boxes to him to be signed and “I remember making every one of them.”

Gallifrey One – Station 27: Day Two

Saturday at Gally always feels most hectic, though not in a frenetic way. The stress, at least for me, tends to come from the fact that there’s always awesomeness available than it’s ever possible for a single person to partake in (though I’ll admit I’ve seen a few folks with time turners…). On the up side, programming never begins first thing in the morning. For some attendees, that means they have time recover a little from the previous night’s hangover; for me, it means time to blog.

So after getting my Day One recap finished and posted, I had plenty of time to laze about our hotel room and get dressed in my cosplay for the day before my first event. That happened to be the second of my two panels. Just as my first one, “Ninth Symphony” (a review of Series Nine) proved to be a fascinating discussion with lots of input from both the panelists and audience members.

From there, I headed straight to the Verity! meetup where they were giving away Verity! tumblers, candy, and ribbons (each Verity had her own color). Someone even brought a cake to share (including the inscription “Because cake should be a business expense”). Everyone, fans and podcasters alike, was lovely, and I was sad to duck out early.