Review of the Eighth Doctor’s era
1996 | ||
The Movie |
Given that my first DVD review for the blog was of The Movie, a lot of what I have to say about this particular story has already been said. However, here it is my intention to focus less on the plot and more on the characterization of the Doctor and the production context of the piece, to be consistent with my other commentaries on the various Doctors’ eras.
First off, I love that even though it was primarily an American production, those involved did everything possible to maintain continuity with the pre-Hiatus series. In no particular order, these ties include the Seal of Rassilon throughout the TARDIS (as seen during the eras of Four, Five, and Seven, at least); the use of jelly babies (Four); the Doctor reading Wells’ The Time Machine (he met Wells as Six); the pseudonym John Smith (Two, Three); the appearance of a long, striped scarf while Eight is finding clothes (Four); a classic first reaction to the TARDIS’ dimensional transcendence (everyone); the need to give the TARDIS console a bit of a konk to make it behave (many Doctors); and, most importantly, the regeneration from Seven (which actually doesn’t come until ~20 minutes in).
Sure, there are plenty of things that don’t quite sit right. But that’s going to happen when there are so many fingers in the pie, and some of those fingers are trying to stir up a more “American” flavor (a “car” chase? in Who? hmmm…). I could point out plot inconsistencies (like why would there be a tour of the operating arena at 10pm?), but that’s kind of below the belt. All eras of Who have that; you just have to ignore it.