It may be an exaggeration, but saying that “Night of the Doctor” is the best thing Doctor Who has produced in years isn’t far off the truth. This seven-minute minisode has the online world of Who fandom in a tizzy, and rightly so. Before I go on, just watch it yourself:
There was only one thing I really wanted out of the 50th anniversary episode, and while I now know I won’t get it in the actual special, I’ve received it here. I couldn’t be happier. Well, I could, but not bloody much! They even managed to work in an explanation for the awful new glow-y regeneration mechanism. Now that’s good ret-con.
Thank you, Mr. Moffat!
The Minisode
The amazingness…cannot be overstated. I am overjoyed beyond belief.
I can’t wait, I can’t wait….
Oh my gosh, it looks so good, and so do all the trailers. I have put off watching things about it until now, just because I knew it was months away, but now, it’s THIS WEEK!!!! The entire weekend – Friday, “An Adventure in Time and Space.” Then of course, just all the reruns this week for fun. And the big event on Saturday night!!! Not sure if I want it LIVE in the afternoon or in the evening. I’m sure I’ll cave and watch it “live,” of course meaning, the recorded version, but live in terms of UK time, and then again in the evening!
I’ve already told my husband it’s Dr Who Weekend all the way. I think I have him excited to watch. For all of you who know enough people to have little parties, have fun!
Loved seeing Paul McGann SO much and seeing the little introduction. Wish they’d do more of these in the future than just for specials, because it gives extra “time” to a show – for storylines and such, that is usually taken away by advertisers. I am a fan of “Arrested Development,” – tangent here – and having the deal with Netflix, I think, gave them extra time for the show.
Wonder if this also “explains” why the Dr might have more than his share of regenerations? Nothing really came across, but later on…..they did bring him back with only 4 minutes but if their skill is bringing back people from the dead, perhaps bringing back a Time Lord with remaining regenerations? Yet it was confusing, as he did seem to “die.” But my theory of River giving her regenerations will have something to do with it.
At any rate, I love how this also explains Eccelston’s doctor and his bit of harshness, and I’m looking forward to some overall explanations since the entire revival in 2005. I’m not sure I like the previews of Rose’s character so far, but that may have to do with my impressions of Billie Piper of late. Ending on that strange note, I’m so thrilled for the weekend!!! It’s been written on my calendar since the date was announced earlier this year!
Cinema Showing
Oh, and I couldn’t resist… just bought 2 tickets to the nationwide showing of the “Night of the Doctor” at the cinema 3D experience on 11/25. Figured why not? My husband seemed up for it, and since it was supposed to only initially be in 25 cities and is now playing in 300, thought I would do it. Supposed to be 2 bonus segments, which I am sure will be on the Internet straightaway, but the theatre experience of the special will be nice. 🙂
You’re not excited or anything, are you, Tree? 😉
I’m going to see it in 3D on Monday, too. Really looking forward to it!
Not at all!
No, no, not that much, Marcia! Oh, I’ve just been waiting all year! I don’t think I will be disappointed no matter what! To at least be able to see Paul McGann as the Dr on-screen once more was SO worth it! I loved his outfit (saw a web site analyzing it), and I liked it for its late-19th century sort of African-safari English look, without a Pith helmet and more futuristic. Liked the hairstyle much better, too. Oh, Paul looks SO much like his brother – forget the first name of the one on “Call the Midwife” right now.
I’ve been sick again, so haven’t been on here much, and I’ve missed it!
The reason I don’t think the special will disappoint me is: how can you go wrong with David Tennant and Matt Smith? The two of them seem like such natural actors who loved playing the Dr, down-to-earth blokes, and genuinely friendly guys (it seems like English actors, and maybe I am prejudicial, I know, seem to be a bit more grounded than American actors). Let me state, that yes, I am American. Those things together are formula for a fun Doctor special!
****Completely off the topic of the show and don’t read if you’re not too interested in feminism:
Of course women….well, we’ve got the whole problem of female self-esteem, body image issues, weight, etc… not only with actresses but with “average” ones. Europeans do have a better handle on this, but not by much! But that is totally off the subject – or is it? Billie Piper, to me, is looking sicker and sicker these days, and she has an admitted eating disorder (of course, claiming to be cured now). I’ve been an educator for some years, and I just think the cultural decline, around the world, is tragic.
I wrote “Night of the Doctor” all over the place when I clearly meant “Day.” Oops – not paying attention!