Over this past weekend, the news dropped that Series 13 will begin on 31 Oct 2021. Its six episodes, a story arc titled “Flux,” is reportedly the first single-story season since The Trial of a Time Lord (as opposed to, say, Bad Wolf or the Crack, which—while overarching themes—did not dominate every episode of those series). The series will run through the first weekend of December, leaving only three specials, set to air some time in 2022, to round out Whittaker’s—and Chibnall’s—run on Doctor Who.
This should be an exciting time. In the last month, we’ve had not only this confirmation of air dates, but also the announcement that Russell T. Davies will be back at the helm for Series 14. With that information out in the open, it seems likely that the announcement of the casting for the Fourteenth Doctor may also be in the not-too-distant future.
But I just don’t care.
Sure, when the RTD news broke, I was as agog as any seasoned fan. Whether it’s the best thing to happen to Doctor Who since the last time RTD took over, or a harbinger of the end times depends on who you talk to, I suppose, but there’s no doubt that the news sparked a lot of new discussion. The fan base was, at least for a brief moment, energized by an unexpected turn of events.